Social Responsibility
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Social Responsibility


  • Huida’s public service:

    Huida’s public service:
    anti covid-19

    3 days from Tangshan to Wuhan

    196 hours continuous working

    47 Hospitals

  • Huida's pulic service

    Huida's pulic service
    donation for flood disaster in Henan

    Donated 1 million RMB to disaster area in Henan province

  • Huida’s pulic service

    Huida’s pulic service
    donation for flood disaster in Henan

    Donated tiles valuable of 1 million RMB to No. 1 high shool, Baisi town, Hebi city, Henan province in 2021.

  • Huida’s public service

    Huida’s public service
    donation in sports field for the youth

    Dontion in sports field for children

    A sport class

    Sports meeting in Wuhan and Qinghai

  • Huida’s public service

    Huida’s public service
    pay attention to vulnerable groups

    Pay attention to the employment of autistic youth

  • Huida's public service

    Huida's public service
    ​pay attention to vulnerable groups

    Pay attention to the elderly care of rural orphans and windows

  • Social responsibility

    Social responsibility

    Offers jobs vacancy

    Set up scholarships 


  • Social responsibility

    Social responsibility

    Invested more than 50 million Yuan for construction of kindergarten, park, schools, hospitals and Nursing Homes, which all donated to the government.

  • Support Wuhan

    Support Wuhan

    When COVID-19 happend

    Huida donated a total of 5931 pieces of bathroom products including toilet, wash basin, inductive touch-free faucet, squatting pan, etc.

Social Responsibility

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